WorldChicago is a nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of citizen diplomacy to improve global relationships. Their programs connect local individuals or businesses with people from around the world to provide them with knowledge and personal experiences that they can use once they return home.
During our initial assessment of the previous website, we found that the overall structure of the content did not clearly communicate WorldChicago’s mission. We worked together with their team to identify the critical aspects of their organization and redefined a sitemap that drove the different user audiences to the content they needed quickly and easily.
Once we began the design portion of the website project, we developed a visual style that best reflected the diversity of their programs. It was essential to create a professional design that delivered the content in a visually dynamic and engaging way to reflect the energy and excitement that exists throughout the organization.
The final website templates used a series of content blocks that could be configured and rearranged in countless ways to develop unique layouts for all of the different pages. Using CraftCMS helped us build an easy to use backend system that is both flexible and powerful as they continue to evolve their programs.