Larson Forgings’ history follows the story of a gritty blacksmith from Sweden as he moved to Chicago to start a business that would eventually transform into a modern forger of cutting-edge aerospace steel. We were fortunate to work with the brilliant writer at Private Historian, Matthew Nickerson, as we designed this special gift for each of its employees as they celebrated the company’s 125th anniversary.
Early chapters include fantastic historical Chicago imagery while telling the story of Larson Forging’s struggles through the Great Depression and how they found a role in helping during World War II. As they grew from making horseshoes for the Chicago police department to producing seamless rolled rings for various jet engines, they attribute their success to having great employees.
History Book
Throughout the book, current and retired employees talk about the bond they share and the company history that they all forged together.
Throughout the book, current and retired employees talk about the bond they share and the company history that they all forged together.
Throughout the book, current and retired employees talk about the bond they share and the company history that they all forged together.